Vol. 68 No. 4 (2024)
This issue of Paediatria Croatica focuses on breastfeeding, with key studies exploring global breastfeeding trends in Croatia and the factors influencing mothers' decisions to breastfeed. Additionally, the issue features insightful reviews on pediatric asthma and chronic cough, offering valuable updates in pulmonology and allergology. Two compelling case reports highlight rare conditions, including tibial hemimelia with femoral duplication and a malignant testicular tumor in a young child. The issue also includes updates and news from the XXXVI Symposium of the Croatian Society for Pediatric Pulmonology with International Participation.
Vol. 68 No. 3 (2024)
This issue of Paediatria Croatica features a diverse range of studies addressing relevant topics in pediatric healthcare. Highlights include a study on the safety of pediatric cardiac catheterisation procedures in rural India, an analysis of rehabilitation services for children with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UAE, and a critical review on excessive pharmaceutical pricing and its impact on pediatric health services. Also featured are insights into the effect of treatment on the quality of life for rural asthmatic children, the use of ibuprofen in pediatric populations, and an in-depth review of lymphatic malformations.
Thematic issue: "A child with a solid malignant tumor"
Vol. 68 No. 2 (2024)On the occasion of the postgraduate course "Child with a Solid Malignant Tumor," held on February 16, 2024, the lecturers have turned their presentations into articles, which we present in this thematic issue. This issue covers important topics in the field of pediatric oncology, such as pharmacogenetic profiling of pediatric oncology patients, the standards of treatment for neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor, the place of care for children with solid malignant tumors in Croatia, as well as the late effects of the treatment of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
The role of surgery and nutrition in the treatment of solid tumors in children is highlighted, along with case studies on targeted therapy with entrectinib in children with mesenchymal neoplasms with NTRK rearrangement and the use of nuclear medicine methods in the diagnosis and treatment of high-risk neuroblastoma. The short announcements cover new insights into the biology and immunotherapy of osteosarcoma, the determination of prognostic risk in tumor diseases, and the impact of oncological diseases on kidney function.
This year, we also mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the "Mladen Ćepulić" Institute of Oncology and Hematology, a Reference Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for solid tumors in children. We thank all the employees and collaborators who have contributed to the development and current work of the Institute, and we look forward to continued progress for the benefit of children and families facing the challenge of malignant tumors in childhood.
Head of the "Mladen Ćepulić" Institute of Oncology and Hematology
Assoc. Prof. Jasminka Stepan Giljević, MD, PhDEditor-in-Chief of "Paediatria Croatica"
Dr. Slaven Abdović, MD, PhD -
Vol. 67 No. 3-4 (2023)
In this issue of Paediatria Croatica, we cover key aspects of pediatric health and developmental disorders. Highlights include a study by Anamarija Barišić on the quality of life for mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders, and research by Meral Huri on sensory patterns in children with Williams syndrome. Halyna Pavlyshyn explores the impact of humoral immunity against diphtheria on COVID-19 severity in school-aged children, while Marija Čatipović reviews breastfeeding trends in primary pediatric care in Croatia. Other features include a review on underreporting of vaccine side effects and a case report on thoracoscopic plication for diaphragmatic eventration in an infant.
Vol. 67 No. 1-2 (2023)
In the latest issue of Paediatria Croatica, Marija Čatipović and colleagues present a validated questionnaire to assess the behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge of Croatian healthcare professionals about breastfeeding, while Patricia Orlić and co-authors describe an exceptional case of using augmentative and alternative communication in a child with congenital brain malformations, showing significant improvements in communication and language. Sandra Pavičić Žeželj examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dietary habits and physical activity of primary school children, emphasizing the need for public health programs. Other articles explore the prevalence of kidney disease symptoms in Slovenian children during the pandemic, and rare cases of posterior sternoclavicular dislocation and Rapunzel syndrome.